Course Details
Yes (may vary by section)
Firms (whether they are brick and mortar or web-based) employ any number of strategies to enhance market share or generate sales. However, for many of those strategies, there is a regulatory component as to their implementation or execution. For example, with respect to pricing decision-making, there are various competition regulations, (e.g. price discrimination, below cost sales, resale price maintenance and/or MAP) at either the state, federal or global level that need to be followed in order to devise a compliant pricing strategy. This course will explore the propriety of at least ten (10) different competitive strategies (e.g. mergers, distribution channels, patent fencing, exclusionary conduct, cooperative efforts with competitors, etc.). One week of the course will be devoted to criminal enforcement of these rules. The content will be delivered through lecture, class discussion, case study, and weekly assignments ( there is no group work in the class). In addition, there will be periodic "pop up" discussions on current competition topics, (e.g. how does antitrust apply to "Big Tech"). Ten (10) percent of the final grade is determined by the weekly assignments, while a closed-book essay exam will determine the remainder of the final grade. BL437 is the only course that serves to provide a regulatory and compliance road-map for the competitive strategies discussed in other courses.
Social Impact and Responsible Leadership