Course Details

Global Lab
Previously Known as INTL-915-0
1.0 CR
Global Lab: Social Impact in the Americas (Puerto Rico). This spring quarter experiential learning course provides a hands-on opportunity for students to apply classroom knowledge to a real-world project for social impact. In the Global Lab course, teams of students will complete consulting projects for startups and nonprofits in Puerto Rico. The client (nonprofit or company) and student team work to scope and define the project, then the students engage in the research and analysis necessary to deliver on that project for the client and community. Students who enroll in this class will be required to attend at least one pre-term class and engage in a client kick-off meeting and project scoping during the winter quarter. We hope to travel over Memorial Day weekend for on-site presentations of final client project deliverables and outcomes. Kellogg will cover airfare and select days of lodging expenses for the on-site visit if we are able to travel. Students must have completed all core courses with the exception of OPNS430 which can be taken concurrently in the Spring quarter. Evening/weekend and EMBA program students who have fulfilled their core requirements are also eligible to apply to take the course.
All Students: (ACCT-430-0 OR ACCT-434-0 OR ACCT-435-0 OR ACCT-451-0 OR ACCTM-430-0) AND (DECS-431-0 OR DECS-440-0) AND (FINC-430-0 OR FINC-435-0 OR FINC-440-0 OR FINCM-430-0) AND MECN-430-0 AND STRT-431-0 AND (MORS-430-0 OR <