Course Details

Leading with Empathy: Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence to Lead in Today's Workplace
0.5 CR
The goal of this course is to increase your level of emotional intelligence with an emphasis on empathy such that you can become more effective when interacting with and leading others in today's workplace. This class provides you with the opportunity to gain deeper insights of yourself and diverse others through a variety of experiential learning activities. We will start off with in-class exercises and discussions on social identity theory. Then we will discuss how understanding social identities (yours and others) will enhance your level of emotional intelligence - with a strong focus on empathy, critical component of emotional intelligence. Finally, we will make the concepts of social identity and emotional intelligence come to life in class through facilitated, interactive "in-group/out-group" discussions whereby you will share and learn from your peers. In tandem with these discussions, outside of class, you will self-select into diverse, small groups of peers and be challenged to educate and discuss with your lived experiences through the lens of your social identities. Grading for this class will be a combination of class participation, regular reflection papers and a final group project.
Managing Organizations Major
All Students: MORS-462-5