Course Details

Health and Human Rights
Previously Known as KPPI-933-0
1.0 CR
The course examines the intersection of health, development, and international human rights. Readings and discussion will focus on whether there is a universal right to health; access to essential medicines; the health implications of war crimes and atrocities; and the meaning of rights and access in resource-poor settings such as refugee camps and fragile states. Special attention will be paid to the role of corporate social responsibility and advanced economies in access to health. Students will work in interdisciplinary groups on a health assessment and intervention known as the Access to Health Project. Headed by Professor Sorensen, the Access to Health Project seeks to leverage academic partnerships to maximize access to health in communities in the developing world. Specifically, this class will participate in a community-based needs assessment to identify a sustainable, capacity-building intervention in collaboration with a public health NGO in Kenya. The needs assessment will reflect human rights, public health and sustainability considerations. In lieu of an exam, student teams will prepare a final written report detailing their findings and recommendations.

Students who enroll in SSIM 933-0 in Winter Quarter will automatically be enrolled in SSIM 933-25 in Spring Quarter. Students will earn 1.25 credits (1.0 in Winter and .25 in Spring) and receive a grade at the end of Spring Quarter. The class meets during the Winter Quarter and has a final deliverable during Spring Quarter

Healthcare Pathway - Product
Healthcare Pathway - Provider
Social Impact and Responsible Leadership