Course Details
Yes (may vary by section)
This course is about the economics of energy markets. Energy industries are particularly strongly driven by fundamental economic forces, which means that strategy setting and decision making in energy (and energy-facing) industries relies on having a good understanding of how energy markets work. While the course will cover various energy industries, the main emphasis will be on microeconomic tools of analysis that are useful across multiple industries. Topics include the drivers of supply and demand in competitive energy markets, including the roles of storage and transportation; market power and antitrust concerns; and the rationale for economic and environmental regulations. Class time will be a mix of lecture and discussions. The lectures will present formal microeconomic models of energy markets and describe relevant energy market institutions. Class discussion will focus on using the economic models presented in class to understand current events in various energy industries. Students should expect daily reading assignments of 6-10 popular press articles that will form the basis of class discussion. The course deliverables include regular homework assignments and a final exam.
Social Impact and Responsible Leadership
Strategy Major
Sustainability: Climate, Environment, & Energy Pathway
Strategy Major
Sustainability: Climate, Environment, & Energy Pathway
All Students: MECN-430-0
All Students: MECN-430-0